
About Geetika Vidya

She is into self teaching ; gardening - plant propagation ; explorer of  yogic breathing , asanas ,mudras ; principles of (NVC) Non Violet Conversation by Marshall B. Rosenberg.

She is a lover of instrumental music and Sufi Kalaam-s (Abida Parveen).

Geetika dreams of a world where humans are aware of the power of their breath  in healing their bodies and non violent communication in healing systems .

Born and raised in Haryana Geetika’s lived reality has gifted her with understanding of the culture of North Indian Jaat clan .

An education of Hindustani Classical Vocal Music has blessed her with the gift of voice modulations that make her an asset as a voice over artist .

Collegiate education in English Literature from University of Delhi gave her an Honours and Masters of Arts degree at graduation and Post graduation level.

Her enthusiasm in Sanskrit lead her to a diploma course in Sanskrit from University of Delhi. She can read and chant several Sanskrit Mantras . She practices mantra chanting and yogic Āsanas as a non-dogmatic approach to living a healthy lifestyle.

She uses her mother’s name ‘Vidya’ as her primary identifier. 

© Geetika Vidya Ohlyan 2022. All Rights Reseverd